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Kathleen. Delaney

Mike , I’m so sorry for your loss of your mom, but I am pleased her Faith has raised you to be a good kind husband and father. You will not be alone in your grief for this. Embrace your family and friends . Enjoy the love her life has left for you.

Anne Ibekwe

Mike I’m so sorry for your loss. May God comfort you and your family during this difficult time. May eternal life be granted to your mom and all the faithful departed. Peace be with you.

Thom Garcia

May she be granted eternal rest and perpetual peace. She lives on Mike in the communion of saints. I'm sure she is praying now for you, and all she left behind to continue the wonderful legacy she left behind.

Mary Alice Heretick

I didn’t know she had passed, please accept sincere condolences. I remember her a bit when she visited my aunts, Velma and Jennie Heretick. And of course, I remember your grandmother quite vividly.

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