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Veronica Setzke

Great list, Mike.

One of the time saving tips I use in GMail is Canned Responses. They are like the word doc idea in #10, but right in my e-mail so all I have to do is open, select the canned response and go. It's insanely easy. Here is a link to directions: https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/set-canned-responses-gmail

It takes a few minutes to set up, but is well worth the time in the long run.


Maggie Red

Thanks, Mike!

Here's mine: Resist "reply-all"! Model the behavior you wish others would cultivate by not replying-all, particularly if you're only replying to acknowledge receipt or thank the sender. No one else wants/needs to see that. My hope is that by encouraging others to NOT reply-all it will eventually cut down on the volume of emails coming to my Inbox. :-)

Lisa Meacham

regarding your templates - you can set these up in outlook - they are called "quick parts" and you literally have to type the name of the quick part and it inserts. I have them set up for various items.

type the text of your template into a new email, highlight the text, then right click on the "quick part" icon (it is on the "insert" ribbon in Outlook 2016 ) select "save to quick part gallery" and it will walk you through the steps.

Faster than opening a word document to copy and paste!

Mike Pritchard

Veronica, Maggie and Lisa, GREAT tips, thank you!

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