I read 28 books in 2017. My top 2 books, reading tips and the full list of 28 books are detailed below. What do you recommend I read in 2018?
"Readers Lead and Leaders Read" is one of my favorite quotes about books. If you want to grow as a leader in your professional or personal life, you should read more. I hope this blog post will encourage you to read more in 2018.
Here are a few tips to help you read more books in 2018:
- Audible.com. Listen to audiobooks on your smartphone when driving, working out or even doing chores around the house. I personally find that audiobooks are a better use of my time when compared to listening to talk radio or news when driving.
- Kindle. Read a book on your smartphone or iPad anytime you're waiting in a long line or even running on a treadmill.
- Set a reading goal for 2018. How many books did you read in 2017? Do you want to read more books in 2018? How many? What does that equate to how many books you'll read per month and per week? You may want to watch less TV and/or spend less time on social media to find more time to read books.
The top 2 books I read in 2017:
- The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. This book inspired me to launch this blog in 2018. It is a terrific book by the founder of Keller Williams Realtors about focusing on one major goal at a time. It is a fun, quick and easy read with a lot of practicality to your life. If you read only one book in this blog, start with this one.
- Deep Work by Cal Newport. This is a wonderful manifesto about doing "deep work" in a world of far too much "shallow work" and distractions. Deep work is focused work and something that only you can do to truly make an impact on your organization Cal recommends that we have a goal of 4 hours of "deep work" each work day. As Cal says in this book, "a deep life is a good life." I agree.
Here are the 30 books I read in 2017, in chronological order and linked to their Amazon pages:
1: Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
2: Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson
3: Blood Sugar Solution by Mark Hyman
4: Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking
5: Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman
6: Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
7: Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
8: Anything You Want: 40 Lessons for a New Kind of Entrepreneur by Derek Sivers
9: Option B by Sheryl Sandberg
10: 5 AM Miracle by Jeff Sanders
11: Habit Stacking by S.J. Scott
12 Make Your Bed by William McRaven
13: Staying Focused in Hyper World by John Gray
14: The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday
15: Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids by Rob Elliott
16: 7 intuitive Laws of Employee Loyalty by Heather Younger
17: Coming Jobs War by Jim Clifton
18: Real Work by Jenn Peppers
19: Whole Foods Diet by John Mackey
20: You Must Write a Book by Honoree Corder
21: Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
22: The ONE Thing by Gary Keller
23: On Writing Well by William Zinsser
24: Alzheimer’s Prevention Food Guide by Sue Stillman Linja
25: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
26: Deep Work by by Cal Newport
27: Platform by by Michael Hyatt
28: You are a Writer by Jeff Goins
Do you have any favorite books not listed above that I should add to my 2018 reading list? Please share your book recommendations with me in the Comments section below!
What books are you planning to read in 2018? Do you have a goal on the number of books you'll read in 2018? Might I be able to encourage you to read at least one book a month, or 12 books total, in 2018?
Be well,
Hi Mike - great list! A few books I read in 2017 and very much liked are:
A Doubter's Almanac by Ethan Canin (fiction)
The Conscious Parent by Shefali Tsabary (non fiction)
Love your book blogs!
Posted by: Gwen Taylor | 01/16/2018 at 06:43 AM
Thanks, Gwen! I’ll check these out!
Posted by: Mike Pritchard | 01/16/2018 at 08:51 AM